Beech Family
buckleyi - Hill Country Red Oak, Spanish Oak, Texas Red Oak - Tree
First, the good news about
this tree. Some specimens of this species show spectacular fall color most
years. Now, the bad news. Some forms have brown, dead leaves that persist
all winter until newly emerging leaves pop them off. But, for the really
bad news,
Quercus buckleyi is the Typhoid Mary of the current epiphytotic
of Oak Wilt in this region.
Other Oaks with similar foliage
and the same susceptibility to Oak Wilt include: Quercus canbyi
(Canby's Oak, Sierra Red Oak), Quercus gracilliformis (Chisos Red
Oak), Quercus sartorii (Sartor's Oak) and Quercus sillae
(Saddle Mountain Oak). |
Quercus canbyi - Canby's
Oak, Sierra Red Oak - Tree
Quercus fusiformis - Hill
Country Live Oak - Tree
Quercus germana - Avocado-Leaf
Oak - Tree
Quercus gracilliformis -
Chisos Red Oak - Tree
Quercus hinckleyi - Hinckley's
Oak - Shrub
Quercus laceyi - Lacey's
Oak - Tree (Resistant to Oak Wilt)
macrocarpa - Bur Oak - Tree (Resistant to Oak Wilt)
The Bur Oak is possibly the
most majestic and long-lived of the Oaks one can grow in Texas. Its canopy
can span more than 60 feet in diameter and its uppermost leaves can be
over 100 feet above the ground. Its specific epithet, macrocarpa,
means "large fruit". The acorn in the photograph, still in its frilly cup,
is typical of the species. Its deciduous leaves are very large and deeply
lobed. Thankfully, it is resistant to Oak Wilt. Two other readily
available species having resistance to that fatal fungal disease include:
Quercus laceyi (Lacey's Oak) and Quercus muehlenbergii (Chinkapin
It needs full to half-day
sun and is very drought-tolerant once established. However, young specimens
look best if given a deep watering every two weeks during a dry summer. |
Quercus marilandica
- Blackjack Oak - Tree
Quercus marilandica
X stellata - Black-Post Oak - Tree
Quercus muehlenbergii - Chinkapin
Oak - Tree (Resistant to Oak Wilt)
Quercus polymorpha - Mexican
Live Oak - Tree
Quercus pungens var. vaseyana
- Vasey's Oak - Shrub (rarely a Tree)
Quercus rysophylla - Loquat-Leaf
Oak - Tree
Quercus sartorii - Sartor's
Oak - Tree
Quercus sillae - Saddle Mountain
Oak - Tree
Quercus sinuata var. breviloba
- Shin Oak - Tree (Resistant to Oak Wilt)
Quercus sinuata var. sinuata
- Durand White Oak - Tree (Resistant to Oak Wilt)
Quercus stellata - Post Oak
- Tree (Resistant to Oak Wilt)