Legume Family
This includes plants included
by some in three separate families:
Caesalpiniaceae -
Bauhinia, Caesalpinia, Cassia, Cercidium, Cercis, Delonix, Gleditsia, Gymnocladus,
Hoffmannseggia, Parkinsonia, Senna, Tamarindus, etc.
Fabaceae - Amorpha,
Arachis, Astragalus, Baptisia, Canavalia, Caragana, Cicer, Cladrastis,
Clitoria, Coronilla, Coursetia, Crotalaria, Cytisus, Dalea, Desmodium,
Dolichos, Erythrina, Eysenhardtia, Genista, Glycyrrhiza, Indigofera, Lathyrus,
Lespedeza, Lotus, Lupinus, Medicago, Melilotus, Millettia, Oxyrhynchus,
Oxytropis, Pachyrhizus, Petalostemon (Petalostemum), Phaseolus, Psoralea,
Robinia, Sesbania, Sophora, Tephrosia, Trifolium, Vicia, Vigna, Wisteria,
Mimosaceae - Acacia,
Albizia, Calliandra, Desmanthus, Enterolobium, Havardia, Inga, Leucaena,
Lysiloma, Mimosa, Pithecellobium, Prosopis, Samanea, Schrankia, etc.
Erythrina X bidwillii
- Hybrid Coral Bean
An extraordinary perennial
for full sun |
which blooms from May until
the first |
freeze. Once established,
it requires |
no supplemental irrigation.
It is the |
best natural hummingbird
feeder |
for central & south
Texas. |
Acacia berlandieri - Guajillo
- Shrub
Acacia farnesiana (A. smallii)
- Huisache - Tree
Acacia tortuosa - Twisted
Acacia - Shrub
Acacia wrightii - Wright's
Acacia - Tree
Amorpha fruticosa - Lead
Plant - Shrub
Amorpha texana - Lead Plant
- Shrub
Baptisia spp. and hybrids
- False Indigo - best in sandy soils
Bauhinia bartlettii - Also
sold as: Bauhinia sp. "Hacienda de Santa Engracia" - Shrub
Bauhinia galpinii - Also
sold as Bauhinia punctata - African Orchid Tree - Perennial Shrub
Bauhinia lunarioides - Also
sold as: Bauhinia congesta - Anacacho Orchid Tree - Shrub
Bauhinia lunarioides X ramossisima
- Shrub
Bauhinia macranthera - Sierra
Orchid Tree - Shrub to Small Tree
Bauhinia ramosissima - Shrub
Bauhinia yunnanensis - Yunnan
Orchid Vine - Vine
Caesalpinia cacalaco - Cascalote
- Tender Perennial but usually a large deciduous shrub after most winters.
Plant in full sun where its showy thorns can be seen backlit.
Caesalpinia gilliesii - Argentine
Bird-of-Paradise - Large Shrub
Caesalpinia japonica - Scandent
Shrub - We have had it climb over 20 feet high if supported. Very spiny
and useful for a security barrier.
Caesalpinia mexicana - Mexican
Bird-of-Paradise - Shrub (Perennial after severe cold)
Caesalpinia pulcherrima -
Pride-of-Barbados - Perennial
Calliandra grandiflora -
Tender Perennial
Cassia alata - Candlestick
Plant - Tender Perennial
Cassia wislizenii - Shrub
Cercis canadensis var. mexicana
- Chihuahuan Redbud - Large Shrub
Cercis canadensis var. mexicana
'Sanderson' - 'Sanderson' Redbud - Large Shrub
Cercis canadensis var. texensis
- Texas Redbud - Small Tree
Cercis canadensis var. texensis
'Traveller' - Weeping Redbud - Shrub
Cercis reniformis - Mexican
Redbud - Tree
Clianthus - Desert Pea -
Clitoria mexicana - Butterfly
Pea - Vine
Dalea spp. - Groundcover
to Shrub, all require full sun and good drainage
Dolichos lablab - Hyacinth
Bean - Edible Annual
Erythrina X bidwillii -
Hybrid Coral Bean - Perennial - An extraordinary and spectacular perennial
for full sun, which blooms from May until first freeze. The long, tubular
flowers are a brilliant red and occur in spikes at the top of 6- to 8-foot
stems. Once established, it requires no supplemental irrigation. Being
a legume, it never needs to be fertilized. The only maintenance required
in cultivation is to cut everything off at 4-inches above the soil-line
after the first freeze. Their recovery is rapid in spring. The plants should
be cut back even after a very mild winter to prevent them from reaching
arboreal proportions. It is the best natural hummingbird feeder for central
& south Texas.
Erythrina crista-galli -
Fireman's Cap - - Perennial
Erythrina herbacea var. arborea
- Coral Bean - Perennial
Erythrina herbacea var. herbacea
- Coral Bean - Perennial
Erythrina flabelliformis
- Desert Coral Bean - Tender Perennial -
Eysenhardtia texana - Kidneywood
- Shrub
Indigofera kirilowii - Pink
Indigo - Perennial
Lathyrus odoratus - Sweet
Pea - Annual
Leucaena greggii - Lead Tree
- Tree
Leucaena retusa - Goldenball
Lead Tree - Tree
Lupinus subcarnosus - Bluebonnet,
Lupine - Self-Sowing Annual
Lupinus texensis - Bluebonnet,
Lupine - Self-Sowing Annual
Millettia reticulata - Evergreen
Wisteria - Vine
Mimosa dysocarpa - Cat's-Claw
- Shrub
Myrospermum sousanum - Sweetwood
- Tree
Parkinsonia - Retama - Tree
Phaseolus - Bean - Edible
Pisum - Pea - Edible Annual
Orbexilum pedunculatum -
Mountain Pea, Sampson's Snakeroot - Perennial
Pithecellobium flexicaule
- Texas Ebony - Tender Tree, not reliably cold-hardy
Prosopis alba - Argentinian
Mesquite - Tree
Prosopis spp. - Mesquite
- Tree
Psophocarpus tetragonolobus
- Winged Bean - Edible Annual
Psoralea pedunculata -
Sesbania - Rattlebox -
Sophora affinis - Eve's Necklace
- Tree
Sophora davidii - Shrub
Sophora secundiflora - Mescal
Bean, Texas Mountain Laurel - Shrub
Wisteria macrostachya (frutescens)
- Native Wisteria - Vine
Wisteria sinensis - Chinese
Wisteria - Vine