Spurge Family
Acalypha sp. - Chenille Plant,
Copper Plant - Tender
Breynia sp. - Snowbush -
Tender Perennial
Cnidoscolus aconitifolius
- Ornamental Chaya - Perennial
Cnidoscolus chayamansa -
Chaya - Edible Perennial
Croton alabamensis var. texensis
- Giant Dove Weed - Shrub
Euphorbia antisyphilitica
- Candelilla - Succulent
Euphorbia pulcherrima - Poinsettia
- Perennial
Jatropha dioica - Leather-Stem
- Succulent Perennial
Manihot esculenta - Manioc,
Tapioca - Tender Perennial
Manihot esculenta (variegated)
- Variegated Manioc, Variegated Tapioca - Tender Perennial
Manihot grahamii - Hardy
Tapioca - Perennial
Manihot subspicata - Brush
Country Tapioca - Perennial - Plants propagated from the populations near
Lake Corpus Christi can be grown here in well-drained sites and on slopes.
Manihot walkerae - Texas
Tapioca - Perennial
Ricinus communis - Castor
Bean - Annual