Commelina erecta - Dayflower
- Perennial
Commelinantia anomala - Self-Sowing
Commelinantia pringlei -
Self-Sowing Annual
Dichorisandra thyrsiflora
- Blue Ginger - Perennial
Setcreasea pallida (see Tradescantia
Tinantia pringlei - Spotted
Wandering Jew - Perennial
Tradescantia pallida - Purple
Wandering Jew - Perennial
Tradescantia pallida (variegated)
- Variegated Purple Wandering Jew - Perennial
gigantea - Giant Spiderwort - Perennial
This is truly the finest
Texas native Tradescantia for our landscapes. The colony in my garden
is derived from plants collected many years ago from a vacant lot near
Lake Dunlap, just outside of New Braunfels. The blooms are borne on multiple,
3-foot-tall stems for at least six weeks in early spring. Flower color
ranges from deep blue to purple to a reddish violet.
For best results, give these
plants morning sun and shade after 2:00 PM. Maintain a 4-inch-deep,
shredded hardwood mulch around their base and water deeply on the day before
they would have wilted. Though they can survive with no watering, they
are more attractive with supplemental irrigation.
Tradescantia sillamontana
- Perennial
Zebrina pendula - Mexican
Wandering Jew - Perennial