Acanthus Family
Anisacanthus quadrifidus
var. wrightii (gold) - Gold Hummingbird Bush - Perennial - Very drought-tolerant,
for sunny sites, grows to 4' high by 6' wide and can spread by seed.
Anisacanthus quadrifidus
var. wrightii (red) - Red Hummingbird Bush - Perennial - Very drought-tolerant,
for sunny sites, grows to 4' high by 6' wide and can spread by seed.
Anisacanthus linearis - Formerly
Anisacanthus insignis var. linearis - Hummingbird Bush - Shrub
Anisacanthus puberulus -
Formerly Anisacanthus insignis var. insignis - Pink Hummingbird Bush -
Shrub - A woody ornamental to 6' high and 8' wide. Drought-tolerant and
does best with afternoon shade.
Dicliptera suberecta -
Mexican Honeysuckle - Perennial - Neither Mexican nor a honeysuckle. A
2' to 3' high native of Uruguay for sites receiving at least 4 hours of
sun. Very drought-tolerant once established.
Dyschoriste linearis - Groundcover
Justicia brandegeana - Shrimp
Plant - Perennial
Justicia californica - Mohave
Honeysuckle - Perennial - Tall (to 4' high) and spindly. Best in
a wild garden to attract hummingbirds. Sporadically produces red flowers
from spring until first freeze. Very drought-tolerant once established.
Justicia fulvicoma - Flame
Justicia - Perennial
Justicia fulvicoma 'Sierra
Flame'™ - 'Sierra Flame'™ Justicia
- Perennial - Produces pagoda-like spikes of orange-red bracts from spring
until first freeze. Very drought-tolerant once established. Does best with
shade in late afternoon.
Justicia pilosella - Tube-Tongue
- Perennial
Justicia runyonii - Perennial
- Produces purpish-pink blooms over a long season. Does best with afternoon
Justicia spicigera - Mohintle
- Perennial - Grows 2' to 3' high and bears orange flowers summer
and fall. Grows in sites receiving at least half-day sun. Yields a fabric
dye and is used medicinally in Mexico.
Megaskepasma erythrochlamys
- Brazilian Red-Cloak - Tender Perennial - An outstanding winter flowering
ornamental for a greenhouse or conservatory.
Odontonema strictum - Firespike
- Perennial
Pseuderanthemum alatum -
Chocolate Plant - Perennial
Ruellia brittoniana 'Blanquita'™
- Dwarf White Mexican Petunia - Perennial - Like all the other Dwarf Ruellias,
this clone can grow with as little as one hour of sun per day to all day
sun. Very drought-tolerant once established. Few perennial groundcovers
are as adaptable or as prolific. Plant 3 feet on center, cover soil with
2" of shredded hardwood mulch and have a full bed in less than 3 years.
brittoniana 'ChiChi' - 'ChiChi' Mexican Petunia - Perennial
This beautiful plant is like
the barbarians ululating at the gate or the mongol horde galloping across
the barren steppe, it is an invader. While it is not for the tidy flower
border, it is suitable in so many locations. I use it (as well as the related
white or purple flowered forms) at the wild margins of landscapes. For
example, it will provide months of carefree color on a rocky and shady
slope where deer abound. Also, Ruellias are ideal perennials for those
parking lot plant islands mandated by the horticultural morons at City
Hall, that are generally populated by drought-stressed and heat-exhausted
plants. Grows up to 3' high and bears ephemeral pink flowers from April
until first frost. Very drought-tolerant and needs at least 4 hours of
sun each day. |
Ruellia brittoniana 'Nolan's
Dwarf' - Katie Ruellia - Perennial - 'Nolan's Dwarf' is the original, valid
cultivar name for this clone.
Ruellia brittoniana 'Rosita'™-
Dwarf Pink Mexican Petunia - Perennial
Siphonoglossa pilosella -
See Justicia pilosella - Perennial