Gardens 2
Aloe greatheadii - One of
the maculate aloes. Keep dry in winter and place in a well-drained location
in sun. Will recover from underground stems after severe freezes
if it does not rot. Hardy to 15º F.
Aloe maculata - Includes
plants formerly known as: Aloe saponaria - This, or its hybrids, is the
most common of the maculate aloes cultivated in San Antonio and Austin.
Keep dry in winter and place in a well-drained location in sun. Will
recover from underground stems after severe freezes if it does not rot.
Hardy to 15º F.
Aloe porphyrostachys - The
northernmost Aloe in nature. Seed collected at its high-elevation
type locality in Saudi Arabia has been the source of very cold-hardy plants.
Keep dry in winter and place in a well-drained location in sun. Will
recover from underground stems after severe freezes if it does not rot.
Hardy to 22º F.
Aloe striatula - Possibly
the cold-hardiest aloe, surviving 10º F. Native to the Drakensburg
(Dragon Mountains) of Lesotho. It forms a large, multi-stemmed shrub
to 6' across and bears spikes of yellow blooms with yellow-orange ends.
Keep dry in winter and place in a well-drained location in sun. Will
recover from underground stems after severe freezes if it does not rot.
Amyris madrensis
Amyris texana - Chapotillo
Anisacanthus insignis (A.
linearis) - Pink Hummingbird Bush
Anisacanthus quadrifidus
var. wrightii (gold) - Gold Hummingbird Bush
Anisacanthus quadrifidus
var. wrightii (red) - Red Hummingbird Bush
Asparagus densiflorus - Asparagus
Bauhinia lunarioides - Also
sold as: Bauhinia congesta - Anacacho Orchid Tree
Berberis swaseyi - Texas
Berberis trifoliolata - Agarita
Caesalpinia mexicana - Mexican
mexicana 'Mole'- 'Mole' Mexican Bird-of-Paradise
- A selection with new leaves emerging the color of Mole Poblano.
Caesalpinia pulcherrima -
Calibanus hookeri - Hardy
to 15º F.
Calliandra spp. and hybrids
Carnegiea gigantea - Saguaro
- Hardy to 22º F.
Chamaerops humilis var. argentea
- Formerly known as Chamaerops humilis var. cerifera - Silver-leaf Mediterranean
Fan Palm
Chrysactinia mexicana - Damianita
Cordia boissieri - Wild Olive
Dalea greggii
Dasylirion acrotriche - Sotol
Dasylirion berlandieri -
Blue Sotol
Dasylirion berlandieri 'Blue
Twister' - 'Blue Twister' Sotol
Dasylirion berlandieri var.
palaciosii - Sotol
Dasylirion gentryi - Sotol
Dasylirion leiophyllum -
Dasylirion miquihuanensis
- Tall Sotol
Dasylirion quadrangulatum
- Previously known as Dasylirion longissimum - Mexican Grass Tree
Dasylirion texanum - Sotol
Dasylirion wheeleri - Sotol
Dichondra argentea - Silver
Dioon edule - Chamal, Mexican
Cycad - From the Sierra Madre Oriental of NE Mexico, stems hardy to 15º
F. with no protection. Mulch deeply if lower temperatures are expected.
Dioon edule var. angustifolium
- Chamal, Mexican Cycad - From the Sierra Madre Oriental of Nuevo León,
stems hardy to 12º F. with no protection.
Diospyros palmeri - Mexican
Diospyros texensis - Texas
Dyckia floribunda ‘La Rioja’-
Have withstood 15º F. without damage.
Dyckia velascana - A Pineapple
relative from Argentina with spiny, silvery leaves. . Hardy to 15º
Dyckia velascana (giant form)
- As cold-hardy as typical D. velascana.
Dyckia velascana 'Suppressed
Anger' - A mildly variegated selection.
Echinocactus grusonii - Golden
Barrel - Hardy to 22º F.
Echinocactus texensis - Horse
Echinocereus poselgeri -
Also sold as Wilcoxia poselgeri
Echinocereus reichenbachii
- Lace Cactus
Echinocereus stramineus -
Strawberry Pitaya
Echinocereus triglochidiatus
- Claret Cup Cactus
Erythrina X bidwillii - Hybrid
Coral Bean
Erythrina crista-galli -
Fireman’s Cap
Eschscholzia californica
- California Poppy - A cold-season annual to grow in succulent gardens
during wet El Niño winters.
Euphorbia antisyphilitica
- Candelilla
Euphorbia bracteata (formerly
Pedilanthus bracteatus) - Hardy to 22º F.
Euphorbia lomelii (formerly
Pedilanthus macrocarpus) - Hardy to 22º F., but a clone survived 14º
F. (January, 2010) with very minimal damage, situated 3 feet west of a
house, at a location in far northwest San Antonio.
Eysenhardtia texana - Kidneywood
Ferocctus glaucescens - Blue
Barrel - Hardy to 22º F.
Ferocactus pilosus - Red
Barrel - Hardy to 15º F. if acclimated
Fouquieria splendens - Ocotillo
- Must be placed in intense sun in a raised bed of gravelly materials and
irrigated only during prolonged dry spells in summer.
Fraxinus greggii - Desert
Ash, Little-leaf Ash
Graptopetalum paraguayense
- Ghost Plant
Guaiacum angustifolium (Guajacum
angustifolium, Porliera angustifolia) - Guayacan
Hesperaloe campanulata -
Giant Pink Yucca
Hesperaloe campanulata X
funifera - Hybrid Pink Yucca
Hesperaloe campanulata X
parviflora - Hybrid Coral Yucca
Hesperaloe funifera - Giant
Hesperaloe funifera ssp.
chiangii - Giant Hesperaloe
Hesperaloe nocturna
Hesperaloe parviflora - Red
Hesperaloe parviflora (yellow)
- Yellow-flowered Red Yucca
Jatropha dioica - Leather-Stem
Justicia fulvicoma
Justicia runyonii
Justicia tweediana
Leucaena greggii - Lead Tree
Leucophyllum frutescens -
Cenizo, Texas Sage
Leucophyllum frutescens 'Green
Cloud' - 'Green Cloud' Texas Sage
Leucophyllum langmanae -
Langman's Sage
Leucophyllum pruinosum -
Deep Blue Sage
Leucophyllun X ‘Rain Cloud’
- ‘Rain Cloud’ Hybrid Cenizo
Leucophyllum zygophyllum
- Dwarf Sage
Lupinus texensis - Texas
Bluebonnet - A cold-season annual to grow in succulent gardens during wet
El Niño winters.
Manfreda longiflora
Manfreda maculosa
Manfreda sileri
Manfreda undulata
Manfreda variegata
X Mangave 'Macho
Manchado' - A vigorous cross of X Mangave
'Más Macho' and a silvery leafed, Manfreda maculosa X Manfreda sileri,
X Mangave 'Macho Mocha' -
A natural hybrid of Manfreda variegata and Agave celsii. It is the most
widely grown X Mangave.
X Mangave 'Macho Verde' -
A large and beautiful, spotted-leaved X Mangave from seed collected near
Río Verde, in the Mexican state of San Luis Potosí.
X Mangave 'Más Macho'
- A natural hybrid of Manfreda variegata and Agave celsii. Originally sold
as, “Sister of ‘Macho Mocha',” an invalid cultivar name, and also sold
under the misnomer, Manfreda variegata 'Suavo-Bravo'. Since the cultivar
name 'Suavo-Bravo' was applied to a Manfreda, a new name had to be selected
for this Mangave. Derived from the same seed source as X Mangave
'Macho Mocha', but forms a larger plant in the landscape without the prominent
reddish cast of its better-known sibling.
X Mangave 'Mocha Latte' -
A variegated selection of X Mangave 'Macho Mocha'.
Nannorrhops ritchieana -
Afghan Palm, Mazari Palm
Neobuxbaumia euphorbioides
- Hardy to 15º F. - These grow farther north, and at lower elevations,
than N. polylopha and have thinner stems.
Neobuxbaumia polylopha -
Hardy to 8º F.
Nolina lindheimeriana - Bear
Nolina 'La Siberica' - Similar
to N. nelsonii, but with wider leaves.
Nolina nelsonii - Nelson's
Tree Nolina - An arborescent species from high elevations in the Sierra
Madre of Nuevo León and Tamaulipas. It needs good soils and
adequate watering. Will decline and die in shallow rocky soils.
Nolina texana - Bear Grass
Opuntia englemannii - Native
Prickly Pear
Opuntia engelmannii v. lindheimeri
forma linguiformis - Cow-Tongue Prickly Pear
Opuntia engelmannii v. lindheimeri
X macrorhiza - Hybrid Prickly Pear
Opuntia imbricata - Cholla
Opuntia kleiniae
Opuntia leptocaulis (Cylindropuntia
leptocaulis) - Tasajillo
Opuntia macrorhiza - Plain’s
Prickly Pear
Opuntia aff.
pailana ‘Mariposas Monstrose’ - Propagated
from a plant I found over 30 years ago near the top of a very high, wind-swept
mountain between Monterrey and Saltillo in northeastern Mexico, where it
grew with Mammillaria plumosa. The pads are covered with short spines.
Opuntia ‘Maxima’ - Also sold
as, Opuntia 'Old Mexico'
Opuntia microdasys - Cow-Blinder
Prickly Pear - This one is best left in the wild, since its glochids (tiny,
barbed spines) are vicious.
Opuntia X subarmata (O. ficus-indica
X O. engelmannii var. lindheimeri) - Hybrid Prickly Pear
Opuntia violacea - Purple
Prickly Pear
Papaver somniferum - Opium
Poppy, Poppy-Seed Poppy - A cold-season annual to grow in succulent gardens
during wet El Niño winters.
Pistacia texana - Texas Pistache
Portulaca sp. - Purslane
- The annual forms, often found on gravelley or sandy sites, work very
Sabal uresana - Mexican Blue
Selenicereus spinulosus
- Night-Blooming Cereus - Hardy to 22º F.
Silphium albiflorum - White
Compass Plant
Sophora gypsophila – Silver-Leaf
Mountain Laurel
Sophora secundiflora - Mescal
Bean, Texas Mountain Laurel
Sprekelia formosissima -
Aztec Lily - Plant deep (6" to 8") and place a rock to its west.
Stenocereus pruinosus / victoriensis
- Hardy to 15º F.
Tagetes palmeri
'Copper Canyon Daisy' - Copper Canyon
Tecoma stans var. angustata
- Esperanza
Tecoma stans var. stans -
Tecoma hybrids - Hybrid Esperanza
Thelocactus setispinus (Ferocactus
setispinus, Hamatocactus setispinus)
Tradescantia brachyphylla
- Miniature Wandering Jew
Tradescantia pallida - Purple
Wandering Jew
Tradescantia sillamontana
- Velvety Wandering Jew
Trichocereus terscheckii
- Argentine Cactus Tree - Hardy to 12º F.
Vernonia lindheimeri - Lindheimer's
Yucca aloifolia - Spanish
Yucca aloifolia 'Variegata'
- Variegated Spanish Bayonet
Yucca arkansana
Yucca carnerosana - Western
Spanish Dagger
Yucca constricta
Yucca decipiens
Yucca linearifolia - Previously
known as Yucca rostrata var. linearis
Yucca necopina
Yucca pallida
Yucca rostrata - Beaked Yucca
Yucca rostrata 'Sapphire
Yucca rupicola - Twist-Leaf
Yucca rupicola X pallida
- Hybrid Twist-Leaf Yucca
Yucca treculeana - Spanish
Yucca treculeana forma canaliculata
- Giant Spanish Dagger
Zephyranthes crociflora -
Saltillo Rain Lily
Zephyranthes erubescens 'Palmillas'
- Desert Rain Lily
Zephyranthes longiflora -
Hardy Rain Lily